Jothan Frakes

Trusted industry leader, Innovator, Architect, and Strategic/Tactical Expert in ICANN, Domain Names, DNS and New Top Level Domain Names (TLDs), Cloud and Infrastructure.

Over 30 years direct Technical experience in domain registration, DNS infrastructure and management, gTLD and ccTLD Registry and Registrar operations. Experience with DNS, Domain Names and ICANN dating to before its foundation in 1990s.

Senior Executive Registry/Registrar Liaison for ICANN Registrars and Registries. Familiar with policy, governance and the technology used in current and emerging naming systems for cloud resources. Advisor on DNS architecture and infrastructure for security, stability and resilience.

Expert on Strategic Registrar Business Development, Valuation and Appraisal and the Secondary Marketplace System for Domain Names and the overall marketplace of domain names, registries and registrars.

Deep knowledge and experience with DNS in enterprise web hosting, distributed applications, private/public/hybrid cloud, virtualization, and large scale providers such as Azure, Google Cloud and AWS.

Experience building and managing teams, developing registrars and registries from the ground-up, and as senior product manager and project leader on numerous technologies used in the domain name market.

Domain Industry thought leader - Co-Founder of NamesCon and DOMAINfest conferences, the largest domain industry events. Founder and Executive Producer of the 2005 and 2006 Domain Roundtable Conferences. Over two decades with conference and event content and production experience, and recently concluded 2 years as executive director of the Domain Name Association, speaking for the industry of domain names.

Deep involvement in internet naming, domain names, and domain name industry trends and ICANN process.

Fantastic relationships with and insight into ICANN, Internet domain registries and registrars, cloud and infrastructure.

Professional experience includes the oversight and operation of various Top Level Domains on the internet, both from a business and technical administration perspective since 1997.

Specialties: Registrar management, new product development and launch, Domain Aftermarket, DNS, Security, ICANN, Domain Names, TLDs, Infrastructure, Content, Contacts, Integrity and Venture, Due Diligence, Product Management, Policy, Corporate Development and Valuation
